About Us

Mission and Vision

Since our founding in March 2020, our mission has been to connect the crossword community, particularly solvers and constructors, by providing a central hub for finding puzzles and other resources.

What we offer

Each morning, we collect and share with you all the day’s crosswords in one place, from the biggest newspapers to the latest indie outlets.

In recognition that there’s more to the puzzle community than the puzzles themselves — review blogs, events, podcasts, Twitch streams, etc — we also compile a monthly-ish newsletter titled “Crossworld News & Notes” that keeps you connected to the community in a way lists of links can’t.

In 2024, we started a weekly series of recommendations posts. There are more crosswords than ever before, and each week we share a few we think you’ll enjoy, for whatever reason, and hope you don’t miss.

If you subscribe for email notifications, you can mix and match your choice of daily posts, News & Notes, and weekly recommendations you’d like to receive. To view either N&N or recommendations only on the site, links on the right sidebar will get you what you’re looking for.

As we build out additional resources, we maintain a focus on making it easy for you to find and engage with the puzzle community, in whatever way you’re looking for.

Navigating the Site

We’ve got more than just the posts: a list of all the Puzzle Sources we track is linked along the top of the site, as is a page explaining how to get your puzzles included. Additional features–guest essays, resources for constructing puzzles, a quick link to curated recommendations, and form to get in touch with us–are linked on the right sidebar.

We owe some appreciation to Sid Sivakumar for the logos and graphic design. We also thank our anonymous outside advisors and fact checkers.

The Team

Matt Gritzmacher
Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Matt Gritzmacher turned a lot of random musings about what the internet wanted into the site you see here today. He has a passion for test solving and far prefers pencil and paper to solving on-screen.

His six dream Jeopardy categories are: The University at Buffalo, Moby-Dick, Ice Cream, Joshua Tree National Park, Beer Snobbery, and Mark Rothko.

Shannon Rapp
Girl Friday

Among her many other responsibilities here, Shannon Rapp feeds the robot and checks its homework. She is also a crossword enthusiast and constructor. Find her at the next tournament desperately trying to not come in last.

Her six dream Jeopardy categories are: Late 90s Pop-Punk Bands, Weird Animal Facts, Rocks and Minerals, Mexican Food, The West Wing, and Crossword Commentary.

Parker Higgins
Robot Wrangler

Parker Higgins is our in-house robot mechanic. He is also an artist and activist living in Brooklyn, New York. He is the developer of Cursewords solving interface and co-host of Cursewords Live.

His six dream Jeopardy categories are: [insert animated under construction GIF here].

Rich Iurilli
Helper and Dabbler

Rich Iurilli helps out with posting the daily links and other random stuff around the site. He’s solved crosswords regularly since 2020 and occasionally constructs puzzles.

His six dream Jeopardy categories are: The 2009 New York Yankees, Grammar and Punctuation, Carly Rae Jepsen, New Jersey, Parks and Recreation, and The Pre-Disney Star Wars Expanded Universe.

Steve Smith
Boy Wednesday

Steve Smith (dustbucket) edits the daily links on Wednesdays. He is an avid crossword solver who is proud of his one ACPT trophy: 10th place among rookies back in 2005.

His six dream Jeopardy categories are: Bill Evans, Eric Kraft, Time Travel, softball, Marcella Hazan, and Zinfandel.

Eric Peterson
Jack of Some Trades

Eric Peterson tinkers with our web site and asks lots of questions. He also writes code, plays board games, and occasionally constructs puzzles.

His six dream Jeopardy categories are: Fill Me In, software design patterns, Jonathan Coulton, US states and capitals, Star Trek, and C++ (version 11).

Jason "Jac" Crabtree
Saturday Superstar

Jason "Jac" Crabtree can often be found hiding in the depths of the internet, publishing the occasional crossword on his site, and helping with the Daily Crossword Links on Saturdays. If you can’t find Jac, it's usually possible to lure him out with a tempting offer of pizza.

His six dream Jeopardy categories are: Film Adaptations of Video Games, Subcultures, Pizza in the United States, Sci-Fi “Stars” (Guess the franchise that contains the word “Star”), Rockets, and Fictional Raccoons.
